5 Crucial Safety Tips For Garage Doors

You have probably realized by now how crucial of a role your garage door plays in the safety of your home. You could also compare it to a personal bodyguard.Anyone who has a home with a garage can attest to how convenient it is. Knowing that your family and home is properly protected gives you peace of mind.

Though in order to feel this way, you must ensure that your garage door is actually capable of protecting you! Luckily, in this article, we have highlighted the top 5 important safety tips to carry out to ensure maximum garage door safety.


1. Safe Custom Garage Doors

Many of us opt out for a personalized garage door rather than a standard one, and that is completely fine! But in the process of customizing your garage door, be sure to select features that have the highest safety capabilities. Sure, your doors should look good and pair well with the style of your home, but the primary focus should be on safety. If you are not sure what is considered a “safety feature”, then consult with an expert! Feel free to give one of our Door Quest garage door professionals a call at (732) 341-1818 and they will be more than happy to advise you.


2. Hire Reputable Garage Door installers

The last thing you want is an unlicensed garage door installer. Here is a tip to keep with you forever: avoid cut-rate companies or anyone without proper licensing and insurance. The minimal amount of money saved isn’t worth the drastically increased risk. Hiring unlicensed professionals not only puts your pocket at risk, but also your garage door itself! An installer who isn't properly trained on installing garage doors could jeopardize you and your family’s safety. Before inviting an installer to your home, be sure to ask to see valid license and insurance. 


3. Keep A Closed Garage Door At All Times

Just like you wouldn't leave your front door open for no reason, then the same goes for your garage door. Think of your garage door as a second opening to your home. Not only can animals or uninvited guests find a way into your garage and into your home, but it can also lead it to become stuck or close while someone or something is underneath. 


4. Know Your Garage Door’s Emergency Features

Knowing the emergency features of your garage door could help you tremendously when an unexpected emergency occurs. When you have your new door installed, be sure to go over the safety precautions and the emergency functions of the garage. Be sure to also teach your family members about these measures so everyone in the household is well prepared for emergency situations. If you are unsure about the safety measures of your garage door, be sure to consult with an expert or the actual manufacturer of the garage door. Being safe than sorry is a big key with this tip.


6. Make Your Garage Door Is Child-Proof

Children should not be left unattended near a garage door, or unattended at all. There are just so many things that could go wrong if a child is left alone in a garage. Curious kids can end up injured or worse if they’re able to get a hold of the garage door controller. Even worse, they could be playing with the opening mechanism of the garage which could cause serious damage to the garage door functionality. Do yourself a favor and keep the door that connects your house to the garage door locked at all times.



We hope that after reading this article, you know what safety measures to carry out to your garage door. Although there are plenty of other safety tips, these are the top ones that could tremendously improve the safety and security of not only your garage door, but yours and your family as well.

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